mercoledì 24 novembre 2010

Distanti - Enciclopedia Popolare Della Vita Quotidiana.

This is the cover of D I S T A N T I first album called "Enciclopedia Popolare Della Vita Quotidiana". Distanti is a post-punk / indie rock band from Italy. The 12" LP is out now on "Triste" records.
The digital version of this album is avaiable for free download, on their label's site.
If you prefer you can also use this direct link:
This is a really nice album, fresh and young, 20 min. of energetic and spontaneous lo-fi pop rock indie/punk.
this is a preview video, and this is another video from a demo song. (if you are interested i can upload it too).
this is their Myspace
remember: if you like the album you should buy the album/go to shows/buy their merch and try to support the artist.

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